The following clips were taken from an interview between Chang Liu, Associate Editor of Monograph Matters, and Tara Callaghan, Saifullah Muhammad, Bruce Homer, Catherine Ann Cameron, Tyler Colasante, John Corbit, Melis Yavuz-Muren, Charles Raffaele, Redab Al Janaideh, Tz-Yu Duan, and Nora Didkowsky, who contributed to “Fostering Prosociality in Refugee Children: An Intervention with Rohingya Children” published in the Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, (89)1-2.
Video Credits
- Participating authors: Tara Callaghan (, Saifullah Muhammad (, Bruce Homer (, Catherine Ann Cameron (, Tyler Colasante (, John Corbit (, Melis Yavuz-Muren (, Charles Raffaele (, Redab Al Janaideh (, Tz-Yu Duan (, and Nora Didkowsky (
- Monographs publisher: Wiley
- Interview produced by: Chang Liu
All rights reserved.
Saifullah Presents a Rohingya Perspective on the Crisis
A dialogue between Tara Callaghan and Saifullah Muhammad, featuring Saifullah’s presentation of a Rohingya perspective on the ongoing crisis. SRCD Monograph authors Tara Callaghan and Saifullah Muhammad discuss this critical issue.
The Impact of the Research to Educational Supports
A conversation about the impact of the research to educational supports – how might the research inform supports within refugee camps and do you see applications from the research that could be used by educators to bring awareness of refugee lives to student researchers in the Global North? SRCD Monograph authors Bruce Homer and Catherine Ann Cameron discuss this question.
Research Impact on Early-Career Researchers: Shaping Perspectives and Future Plans
How involvement in the project has impacted your perspectives and how it might be woven into your future plans? SRCD Monograph authors Tyler Colasante, John Corbit, Melis Yavuz-Muren, Charles Raffaele, Redab Al Janaideh, Tz-Yu Duan, and Nora Didkowsky discuss this question.
Society for Research in Child Development [srcdchilddevelopment]. (2024, August 16). Saifullah Presents a Rohingya Perspective on the Crisis | Monographs 89.1-2 [Video File]. Retrieved from []Citation:
Society for Research in Child Development [srcdchilddevelopment]. (2024, August 16). The Impact of the Research to Educational Supports | Monographs 89.1-2 [Video File]. Retrieved from []Citation:
Society for Research in Child Development [srcdchilddevelopment]. (2024, August 16). Research Impact on Early-Career Researchers: Shaping Perspectives and Future Plans | Monographs 89.1-2 [Video File]. Retrieved from []