Commentary by Dr. Sabine Doebel. Executive function (EF) is a core capacity of the human mind and brain that allows us to think before we act and select behaviors that align with our goals, knowledge, values, and social norms.
A Place for Learning in Executive Function Development | Commentary 89.3
Commentary by Dr. Sammy Perone. In their Monograph…McCraw and colleagues present a theory-driven test of the mechanisms driving the early development of executive function.
Moving Towards a Developmental Conceptualization of Executive Function Skills | Commentary 89.3
Commentary by Dr. Michael T. Willoughby. The authors’ reliance on dynamic field (DF) theory is a distinguishing feature of this work.
Lessons from Rohingya Children: Future Directions in Prosocial Development Research | Commentary 89.1-2
Commentary by Tracy L. Spinrad. In their Monograph…implemented a culturally sensitive intervention to improve prosocial behavior and social-cognitive outcomes in a sample of refugee children.
Place-based Developmental Research: Conceptual and Methodological Advances in Studying Youth Development in Context | Commentary 88.3
Commentary by Dr. Hannah Badland. The Monograph. . .weaves together neighborhood effects scholarship and cultural-development neighborhood research by…
Advancing Neighborhood Research Through Innovations in Method and Theory | Commentary 88.3
Commentary by Dr. Arianna M. Gard. Where you grow up shapes your development across the life course. This is the message that has been touted by psychologists, sociologists, economists, and public health scholars.
Addressing Educational Inequities | Commentary 88.2
Commentary by Dr. Margaret L. Signorella. The importance of addressing educational inequities in the essential math domain is high.
Roads from Expectations to School Success are Twisty – In Some Contexts More Than in Others | Commentary 88.2
Commentary by Dr. Carlo Tomasetto. In The Adventures of Pinocchio, Collodi (1926/2006) describes in a few lines what it means to have academic dreams…
Growing Growth-Mindset | Commentary 88.2
Commentary by Drs. Barbara Schneider and Lydia Bradford. Growth mindset has unquestionably established itself in the canon of psychological scholarship, and its contribution for impacting learning is widely recognized.
A Life Course Perspective on the Promise of Public Preschool | Commentary 88.1
Commentary by Dr. Eric Dearing. The Watts and colleagues’ Monograph provides a major contribution to our cumulative knowledge on when, for whom, and for how long public pre-K promotes achievement.