The following clips were taken from an interview between Chang Liu, Associate Editor of Monograph Matters, and each of the corresponding authors Jamie M. Carroll, David S. Yeager, and Robert Crosnoe.

Mindset × Context: Schools, Classrooms, and the Unequal Translation of Expectations into Math Achievement
By Jamie M. Carroll, David S. Yeager, Jenny Buontempo, Cameron Hecht, Andrei Cimpian, Pratik Mhatre, Chandra Muller, and Robert Crosnoe
Roads from Expectations to School Success are Twisty – In Some Contexts More Than in Others | Commentary 88.2
Commentary by Dr. Carlo Tomasetto. In The Adventures of Pinocchio, Collodi (1926/2006) describes in a few lines what it means to have academic dreams…
Growing Growth-Mindset | Commentary 88.2
Commentary by Drs. Barbara Schneider and Lydia Bradford. Growth mindset has unquestionably established itself in the canon of psychological scholarship, and its contribution for impacting learning is widely recognized.
Mindset × Context: Schools, Classrooms, and the Unequal Translation of Expectations into Math Achievement | PowerPoint – 88.2
30 words from resource description…