The basis of Fabricius et al’s (2021) perceptual access reasoning theory is that the classic false belief test of theory of mind does not measure a child’s representational understanding of the mind. SRCD Monograph lead author Fabricius explains this key point of monograph issue 86(3).
Overview: Perceptual Access Reasoning (PAR) in Developing a Representational Theory of Mind | Monographs 86.3 | Video
How and when do children understand others’ minds? In this video abstract, SRCD Monograph author Christopher Gonzales provides an overview of the work with lead author William Fabricius and colleagues, in which they challenge the prevailing view in developmental science that a representational theory of mind is in place by the preschool years.
The Belief Understanding Scale: Monographs 86.3 | Video
The Belief Understanding Scale is a short laboratory measure that can differentiate between children who use different ways of understanding the mind. In this video, SRCD Monograph author Christopher Gonzales provides an overview of this scale, which is presented in Chapter IX of monograph 86(3).
Overview: Prosocial and Aggressive Behavior: A Longitudinal Study | Video
How do children’s prosocial behavior and aggressive behavior change across early childhood? SRCD Monograph author Dale Hay provides an overview of her collaborative, longitudinal project on the development of these…
Author Interview with Dale Hay and Kaye Cook | Video
The following clips were taken from an interview between Lauren Myers, Associate Editor of Monograph Matters, and Dale Hay and Kaye Cook, authors of the Monographs of the Society for Research…
Overview: Effects of Prekindergarten Curricula | Video
Is a scripted and intentional curriculum necessary for high-quality early education? SRCD Monograph authors Kimberly Nesbitt and Dale Farran discuss how their controlled evaluation of the prekindergarten curriculum, Tools…
Author Interview with Kimberly Nesbitt and Dale Farran | Video
The following clips were taken from an interview between Lauren Myers, Associate Editor of Monograph Matters, and Kimberly Nesbitt and Dale Farran, authors of the Monographs of the Society for…
Overview: Youth Development in Northern Ireland | Video
Addressing a gap in more complete understanding of the impact of the social ecology of political violence on youth adjustment, an innovative methodology for assessing the influence of the macrosystem…
Getting Started: An Insider’s View of an International Longitudinal Study | Video
Author E. Mark Cummings describes how this study was launched and details the vital role played by colleagues in Northern Ireland. He explains the many contributions of both graduate and…
Author Interview: Youth in Northern Ireland | Video
In these videos, Monograph Matters Associate Editor, Lauren J. Myers, talks with Dana Townsend and E. Mark Cummings to discuss the SRCD Monograph…