Commentary by Jasmine Wertz. At the 2023 Academy Awards show, a theme running through many of the speeches were awardee’s references to their parents. From actress Michelle Yeoh dedicating her award to her mother…
Three Perspectives on PAR: The Data, the Self, and the Uncle in the Bear Costume | Author Response 86.3
Author’s response to commentaries on Perceptual Access Reasoning (PAR) in Developing a Representational Theory of Mind.
Joint Engagement as a Triadic State and Joint Attention as an Infant Skill Shared by Humans and Chimpanzees | Commentary 86.4
Commentary by Roger Bakeman and Katharine Suma. The study reported in the monograph by Kim Bard and colleagues (2021) is observational in both senses of the term…
Joint Attention in Children and Chimps: Questions of Uniqueness, Universality, Plasticity, and the Evolution of Human Sociality | Commentary 86.4
Commentary by David F. Bjorklund. Some years ago, I had the good fortune to work with a small group of juvenile, enculturated chimpanzees and orangutans…
Sociocultural Context and Methodological Pluralism Matter for all Developmental Science | Commentary 86.4
Commentary by Thomas S. Weisner. In the monograph, Joint Attention in Human and Chimpanzee Infants in Varied Socio-ecological Contexts, Kim Bard and her co-authors (2021) offer concepts and findings that really matter for our field.
Challenging PAR | Commentary 86.3
Commentary by Dr. Beate Sodian. It has long been recognized that theory of mind (ToM) is not an all-or-none achievement. Around the age of four years, when children begin to master…
Fake or Fortune? Appraising the Value of the Perceptual Access Reasoning (PAR) Account | Commentary 86.3
Commentary by Charlie Lewis. To get ourselves limbered up, let’s perform a quick spelling test given to me by my brother, Tony, when I was nine. I’ll help you start…
Perceptual Access Reasoning: Expanding Perspectives on Belief Concept Development | Commentary 86.3
Commentary by Karen Bartsch. After decades of research on the development of theory of mind (ToM), it is remarkable that we are still debating about when children acquire the key concept…
Theoretical Implications of a Joint Look at Early Prosocial and Aggressive Tendencies | Commentary 86.2
Commentary by Dr. Audun Dahl and Marie Grace S. Martinez. If we wanted to determine whether human nature is good or evil, it would have been…
Charting and changing developmental pathways | Commentary 86.2
Commentary by Dr. Debra J. Pepler. With their longitudinal research on the development of prosocial and aggressive behavior, Hay and colleagues (2021) provide a developmental framework for understanding prosocial and aggressive…